Habits don't decide your future, you decide your habit to decide your future. A look at these pts as stated above are as follows;

1. Successful people take 100% responsibility of their life:

 This is because you take all the decisions and make all the choices daily. For that matter every single mistake comes as a result of a wrong choice or decide taken. So the "buck rest on yourself" not anyone. So stop blaming people for what went wrong, cause u are still at liberty to take precautions yet you didn't. So tk full responsibility so you can acknowledge your fault and mk amends.

2. You have to decide what you want: 

Set a definite goal for yourself. What exactly is it that you wish to achieve in what time frame. For example: Want to own a house in the next three yrs, buy a plot of land in the coming yr, own a Benz in 5yrs time etc...

3. Believe it's possible:

You cannot hv what you never hunger and thirst for. You cannot hv what u don't desire. You have to firstly believe it's possible, not beyond ur expectations so you carry the cup of hope. Cos everything practically comes to a halt where you loose hope.

4. Visualize success:

You have to see urself actually living ur goal. For example; if it's a car u aim at, u hope to perceive urself driving in that car, living in that dream house etc... As Napoleon said in his book entitled: "Think and grow rich; he said "Whatever ur mind can perceive you can get it". If it's a car u wish to manufacture, you need to have a mental picture of the design. So all buck stops at ur mind, how well u can visualize.

5. Act as if you are already successful:

Successful people have a lifestyle, to walk with a Bill Gates, Duncun Williams, Jack Ma they lv to associate with a kind of people. So be well to fit into their circles of people in appearance, conduct, etc... You are bought at the price u rate urself. As said, first impression counts. So assume u are already successful and begin to act as one so u get the spirit to be as such.

6. Be willing to pay the price to be highly successful:

There is no meaningful success without sacrifice or price tag. Be it ur devotion, commitment, money, concentration, your sleep, your learning. Whatever form it may take you will need to move from a point to another and that movement comes with conditions. Only those prepared to go through or condone, exert, execute make it eventually.

7. Successful people feel the fear yet do it anyway:

Your fear may come to bear, you may have doubts anyway. The 'what ifs' will continue to recur in ur mind. Yet you have to do it anyway. Until you take a bold step nothing will happen. Your failure and successes depend on this stage. You may meet failures anyway but never give up.

8. Successful people seek mentorship:

Wherever u wish to do, someone has already been there; whatever is it u wish to achieve in life someone has already achieved and has the experience. Your role is to locate and tap from that knowhow and experiences. Social media has made things quiet easy, u can just follow the person or get closer....

9. Have enthusiasm:

Enthusiasm is the intrinsic motivation. The engine that will propel you even if all hopes are lost. A self motivation to get it done by hook or crook.

10. Commit to constant improvement:

Continue to update urself to new information; ways and technologies of doing things so u don't run out of ideas or become obsolete.
