Leadership per my definition is to direct, coordinate, instruct and or to mann the affairs of a group of people. According to John C. Maxwell, "leadership is influence". Gary Walls puts it as someone who "mobilises others towards a goal shared by leaders and followers".

The underlying fact about leadership is to influence a group of people towards attaining certain set goal, visions and missions.

According to the bible, someone that desires to lead the church should be able to cater for his immediate family. Which means that to be a leader, there are some basic determinants or factors that could qualify you for the position of leadership. This is because as a leader several people look to you for leadership and direction and are of much expectations of you. In order words, the people you lead expect or do not expect some acts from you. 

However as a leader, one thing comes out clear that you should be able to lead yourself first to be in a better position to lead others. As it's said charity begins at home. Furthermore the bible makes us understand that we should firstly remove the log in our own eyes before doing that for others. Which means that leadership starts from yourself. That is why is said that the best form of leadership is SELF LEADERSHIP. Once you succeed in leading yourself to an expected end you should be in a good position to lead others and vice versa.

One simple way of detecting leader is one who always want to get things done whether assigned or not. Leadership comes so naturally. You don't wait for someone to tell you what to do whiles you already knows it needs to be done. So the person that knows what to be done and begins to do it without anyone instructing him or her assums the position of leadership.




A born leader is naturally gifted the attitudes and charisma of leadership and acts as such automatically no matters where he or she finds him or herself.

Made leaders undergo skills training and attend leadership seminars in order to acquire the skills, attitudes and knowhow of leadership.


There are peculiar Characteristics that are unique to every leader. Nonetheless, the following are general expectations of uniqueness of leadership:

1. Selflessness: A good leader goes the extra miles to get things done which involves a lot of sacrifices. And he or she is ever willing to make such commitments.

2. The eye of the eagle: Good leaders have high foresight and are always months and years ahead of their time and dispensation. Great leaders in the likes of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Isaac Newton, Gaus Jordon among others were about 50 years plus ahead of their time. This is evident in their works. Nkrumah's Akosombo created is still serving it's purpose after over 64yrs of our independence. This means that a good leader should always look and perceive and anticipate likely events of the future and make amends to mitigate future challenges now. Which means solving problems ahead of time before those problems becomes a reality.

3. Decisive, fair, firm and ambitious: Ambition is the driving engine for leadership. You cannot pursue something you don't desire. For that matter, a leader should be ambitious to achieve a certain height or scope and must be firm and fair in pursuit of those set goals.

4. Compassionate: You cannot be a leader if you lack compassion towards the plight of those you serve. As the bible puts it, " And Jesus, driven by compassion....healed....". Compassion gives you the reason and purpose to wanting to serve and act in a certain way to help solve another's challenge.

In conclusion, if you aspire for the position of leadership, your life should be a testimony that you are fit to carry yourself as such. Again you should have way ahead of time your visions, mission statement, and policy objectives well documented as the bible says write the vision and make it plain..Hab 2:2....

You don't wait till the D-Day before you want to plan to assume leadership role rather you act as such as since it's said that everyone is a potential leader. So you lead yourself well to be able to lead others. 

Thank you for reading.....

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Article or writings by Wiseman M. Azaloo

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