As discussed in my earlier post on leadership. We made our readers understand that everything about this world centres on leadership and the rest are effects. Moreover we can all be leaders in each small way in our small cotters and the first and best form of prime leadership is self leadership.
In this article we would take a look at the major attributes of leadership and take little swipe to look at some causes of failures of leadership.

Some major attributes of leadership are as follows;
1. Bravery and Courage: One thing that God told Joshua after the demise of Moses in the early chapters of the book of Joshua was; "be strong and courageous"  That's being brave, bold and courageous. As a leader, it will come a time that you would have to be firm and bold in ur decision making moments vis-a-vis your set targets. Sometimes you have to take difficult decisions that may not go down well with all your followers. Yet for the better good you need to stay your ground and take such hard decisions.
2. Self Control: This requires that the leader should be 'coded'. That is should be an embodiment of values, codes, principles, practices, precepts. You should know the traditions of self control and self leadership based on sound principles and theories. In so doing you can serve as a good model for your followers so they aspire to that fit.
3. A keen sense of justice: A leadership must learn to give righteous judgement. The sword must learn to cut both sides. This is because you may have some of your subjects that may be vulnerable, less privileged, weak. These sect of people would be counting on your leadership to offer them protection and covering against all odds. So there is much call for you to serve them equal justice.
4. Definiteness of decisions: As the bible said, let your Yes be Yes and No be No, anything other than this is not of God. It goes on to say, a divided mind cannot get anything tangible from God. This teaching requires that you know what the mission and vision of the group that you lead is. You cannot afford to derail from what you stand for or from your set goals. For all you know, most people became your followers because they shared in your vision. So once you set yourself apart from these core mandate you begin to lose these followers.
5. Think outside the box: To think outside the box is to do things quiet differently from the norm; that makes your leadership unique. Going the extra mile to serve your followers through your ingenuity gives you a plus.
6. A pleasing persona: Every follower will love to associate with a pleasing character to call a leader. As said in the world of business: "the consumer always maximises satisfaction". Which means that no one wants to settle for the least or for mediocrity. Everyone actually wants the best of things, the high grade, high quality. So it dawns on everyone who seeks leadership to engage in self development to be placed high on ranking so that your followers will always feel proud to associate themselves with you.
7. Mastery of detail: A leader must be abreast with every detail and be on top of issues. You should amass effort to always have first hand information about content and detail. Your understanding should be enhanced enough to know the hook and cranny of every matter so you can be in the position to take informed decisions.
8. Willingness to assume full responsibility: Howbeit, it's very gentlemanly to assume responsibility for mishaps that result in your group either from you directly or any member of your group. Don't disown your members or presume you know nothing about their predicament. In the same light continue to entreat your subjects to be more responsible in their day to day affair so they don't bring disdain to your group.
8. Cooperation: Finally, every good leader must know much about how to seek the loyalty, support and cooperation of his followers.
Note that your fit or height that you will possibly attain has a direct bearing on the support and cooperation of your followers. Note that the only time Jesus Christ experienced his down fall was when a stunch member of his entourage betrayed him ruthlessly. So your failure and success as a leader will depend on the kind of people you have as followers. The level of love, support, admiration, goodwill and so on accorded to you play a major role in your success and vice versa.

In order article is will write about the major causes of failures of leadership so our readers note and take some cues to mann their lives.

Thanks for reading....

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