An alibis can may an excuse or reason you may generate as cause of your failure or not achieving success. It is so real that alibis are been generated each day and each time as a reason of not doing one thing or the order. As facts can put it, they are hinderances to progress and without these hinderance and excuses, the road to success would have been quiet easier.

If you are well Informed about your bottlenecks, it becomes easier to render solutions than a problem you have not even recognized.

Take a walk with me through some possible causes of failures: 

1. Unfavorable hereditary background: Everyone wish to have been born in a wealthy home. In a home where our parents were alive, well to do and can afford the best education, training and comfort and offer us huge investment capital to start life. Nonetheless it's quiet unfortunate to be born into a family of emptiness, having no inheritance, support and struggle with the basic necessities of life. For the start you are off; so how possibly can you even get into competition with one that as a level playing field except you have extreme grace.

2. Lack of a well defined purpose in life: One way to easily fail in life is not to know what you are about. To be with no purpose, or goal, no vision, no mission, no policy and so on. We are treaking on the height of having a 'well defined purpose'; not only a purpose but a WELL defined purpose. It involves knowing where you are starting from, knowing your route or course and bearing in mind your expected end. Just as a driver embarks on a journey; the destination should be known (well stated), and the assignment to engage on arrival well documented, the enablers (that is those who have to come to the circles to ensure you realise your aspirants known to you), the sources of financing, what to do in case of mishaps and so on should be well known and defined. 

You experience this common questions when attempting to apply for scholarship to study abroad. They actually want to your definiteness of purpose. What you will do with the knowledge acquired among other questions.

3. Lack of ambition to aim above mediocrity: Ambition serve is the engine of growth to propels success. To lack ambition is to fail to exist. Whoever lacks ambition lacks the urge to carry on and the essence and hope to achieve. 

Ambition wipes an 'it's ok' lifestyle. Ambition, settles for nothing less. Always refuses to take NO for an answer. Presses on until he/she gets desired results. Ambition strikes on the principle, "nothing is impossible for them that believe. If you believe all things are possible".

As a man lures and persuades or woos the lady after his heart, that's exactly how you chase and go after what you desire to get. Where there is a will to achieve, nature definitely adopts a way to go.

4. Insufficient Education: Lack or insufficient Education limits your ability and potentiality in all respects. All things being equal, someone that has formal education has an urge over the another without a formal education. A formal education gives you the ability to read and write and understand very basic rules and instructions. This is a medium of engagement in most cases. So in a situation where there is insufficiency in that regards you will require other extreme favours to break through else things become difficult for you in the job market. In our days almost every occupation requires that you produce certain certification. So without these education getting job becomes difficult except you create you own job. Even after creating your own job, you will require a certain degree of knowledge to analysis and ascertain happenings in the company.

5. Lack of self discipline: It's said discipline makes a man. A man without discipline is a careless man; and a careless man values no treasure. In order words disregard matters of importance. Matters that can have dying consequences on his health, finances, reputation and so on. An indiscipline man or woman is a walking corpse because he/she takes no precautions. Since the job market are ruled by principles and discipline you stand to fail, except you amend your ways.

6. Ill health: Sometimes people have little control over some happenings that lead to failure. Just imagine you have to sit for a life changing one time exams, and you missed it due to sudden illness. You can only progress or life goes on ONLY on the condition that you are in good health. So once you are not in a bad state of health, life becomes meaningless to you.

7. Unfavorable environmental influences during Childhood: Child phycological theories make us understand that the environment plays a major role in the acquisition of language and attitude. And that at the childhood stage, the child learns by emulation. So in a situation whereby during Childhood development stages, the child undergoes cardinal brainwashing, exposed to dangerous social vices and so on it has a toll effect on what the child will become in the near future. For example, a child adopted by a terrorist group is likely to become a terrorist in future because such memories is the only immediate data the child has to work with.

Moreover Gabbage in Gabbage out.

8. Lack of Controlled sexual urge: Great men have fallen flat and never attained their dreams because of relationship issues and inability to control once sexual drive. In our current world, if you are not careful one may even blackmail you a child, pregnancy, your naked pics and so on. You might even appearing the media for the wrong news associated with sexual misconduct. We have several biblical examples to support this assertions. Others lose their properties due this sexual issues. 

9. Procrastination and lack of perseverance: Procrastination is said to be the thief of time. Serious opportunities could be missed as a result of procrastination. 

Lack of perseverance: Perseverance is to continue to carry despite all odds.

10. Wrong selection of marriage partners: People have failed because they did not choose a right, and supportive life partner. A life partner is supposed to compliment your efforts of growth and development. When this is deficient, sorry for u. 

Other causes include:

* Superstition and prejudice

* Wrong selection of associates in busines

* Wrong selection of a vocation.

* Lack of concentration of efforts.

* Intolerance

* Lack of enthusiasm

* Intemperance

* Intentional dishonesty

To be continued.....

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