Education is meant to impart knowledge or transfer wisedom and experience from one person or a group or individuals to another. 

However education in most African countries leaves little to be desired. It could be observed that due to lack of goodwill and commitment on the sides of successive African government to invest extensively in education relative to advanced countries, the most benefit associated is not much realised.

It can be widely observed that our educational system produce more of bookish individuals that can speak big grammar, write good essays, score good assessment marks yet when it comes to the field of practical works; output is zero.

It is therefore impendent of governments to invest in quality education, invest more in providing TLMs, liasing with companies to administer practical skills in respective in the fields of study so that learner can come out with tangible labour force to improve the human capital development of the country. 

China had to send students to Europe to learn practical skills in automobile engineering and and technology; the late Al Gadaffi of Libya also has to get his people trained in the field of oil exploration. This these single acts turned round the furtunes of the country.

In conclusion, government and curriculum researchers should invest more in this taughtful idea to make our teaching and learning activity based by investing much in TLM's; text books, computers, laboratories etc... to make industrialization possible thus reducing unemployment. 

Antagonistic education on the other hand are learnings that do not innure to the benefit of nation development. But let's focus on positive energy of growth and development rather than the big empty grammar since that do not put food on the table.
